Guideline of our corporate values

Economic action alone may lead to a full cash register, but it often leaves out challenges that modern companies actually have to face.

Our corporate values

Ethical-moral compass of behaviour in business


S ecurity

As a top contact partner for storage & servers, we attach great importance to the security of our systems. And as an owner-managed family business, job security is also of great importance.


T eam Spirit

We know that a well-functioning team can achieve more than a collection of excellent individuals. That is why we continuously work on improving our teamwork, e.g. through retrospectives.


A gility

To survive in a dynamic environment, we need to be agile. In return, we allow a large degree of personal responsibility with modern working methods to promote the co-entrepreneurship of our employees.


R espect

Respect is the basis of our cooperation: We respect each other as people and meet in an atmosphere of goodwill. And we also treat our partners and the environment with respect.


L oyalty

Reliability is important to us not only in our storage and server systems, but also in people. We stand up for each other and are loyal to our colleagues and to the company’s partners.


I ntegrity

Integrity, like respect, is fundamental to our successful collaboration. We are honest with each other and therefore also openly express constructive criticism – in the knowledge of mutual goodwill.


N ovelty

Curiosity and a willingness to experiment are important foundations for our long-term success. We are always on the lookout for new technologies and also new approaches to work, which we try out together.


E xpertise

We want to be the first point of contact for our customers when it comes to servers and storage. To this end, we are constantly working on expanding our accumulated knowledge in order to always be able to convince with expertise.

your benefits

Starline has stood for quality in the storage sector since 1982. We are at your side with our decades of experience in data storage and server systems.

Highly Competent

Experienced and trained technicians do performance and functional checks and offer quick help in case of failure.

Highly Experienced

Starline has been active in the sector since 1982 and is a specialist in all aspects of data storage. 

High Availability

Sales: You can reach us weekdays from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm (Fr. 4:30 pm). Support: Assistance from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm (Fr. 4:30 pm) 

Comprehensive Project Support

Starline assists from the planning stage through to the implementation of the system.

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Any questions? Please contact us.

Dr. Tim Ganser

Our managing director for strategic issues and product development.