Girls-Day @ Starline

The proportion of women among IT specialists - system integration is currently 7.2%. We are 100% sure that it must be higher. 


As every year in April, Girls' Day, aka "Mädchen-Zukunftstag", took place again this year - a day of action that has existed since 2001. It aims to give girls the opportunity to get a taste of careers in technology, IT, skilled trades and the natural sciences. After all, these are professions in which there are still very few women working.

Changing this is also a concern of Starline, as girls often do not consider technical or scientific professions when applying for jobs, even though they might be talented for them.

Our Starline women with the participants

On 25 April 2024, there were fortunately four young women who presented themselves to Starline. Apprentice Joshua Wehrsenger coordinated the small group. He gave them a tour of the company, explained the Starline product range and helped them screw SSDs into the drive drawers in production. He also answered all the questions from the inquisitive pupils.

Joshua Wehrsenger explains server construction
Susanne Manz Produktionsleiterin Starline
„It was a pleasure to work with the girls here. They were motivated, listened attentively and had a lot of fun at work. We'd love to do it again!”
Susanne Manz, Head of production


In fact, the trainees were surprised at how exciting computer science can be in practice and that there is also plenty of laughter. After the obligatory group photo, the talented young IT specialists were promised that they would consider Starline for an internship. After all, we can always use good people.

Graphics & Photos: Robert Macht &

Participants of the Girls Day