Neighbourly solidarity through Starline and the TeckLab

Starline employees are printing 15 face shields for the dental office so that their patients can continue to bite powerfully during the crisis.

Neighbourly solidarity

For Starline, social commitment in the TeckLab – the technical meeting and maker space for children, teenagers and all the young at heart – just a little bit different than planned.
Originally purchased for technology enthusiasts, the 3D printer has been working around the clock for the past week, so that in the doctors Diemer’s dental practice can be drilled again in Kirchheim.

The Starline employees really put their backs into it and developed five different models. These were optimized for weight and ergonomics, tested and finally printed out. Plexiglas from the construction market was problematic, as it proved to be too rigid and inflexible for these purposes. But the solution to the problem was then found in Starline’s office warehouse: However, highly flexible and transparent DIN-A4 cover sheets for the customer presentations produced in-house proved to be ideal for this application. This meant that exchangeable and pre-punched replacement shields, which are necessary for hygienic operation, could be supplied immediately.

Face shields have become a scarce commodity because of the corona crisis. And especially dentists urgently need these shields for their work. After all, they are in direct contact with the oral cavity of patients.

TeckLab co-founder Starline helps with 3D printer

The face shields manufactured by Starline naturally do not have medical approval, as this is not feasible in the DIY process. However, they are based on the face shield developed by 3D printer manufacturer Prusa Printers, which has been approved by the Czech Ministry of Health and is also considered suitable by the University of Michigan.( see Forbes)

The TeckLab, however, was still about to open in March. Unfortunately this had to be postponed due to the Corona pandemic. The rooms in the Youth centre Linde in Kirchheim unter Teck were already prepared and set up. After all, the purchases for the youth project then proved to be helpful in this way during the pandemic.

Any questions? Please contact us.

Markus Wölfel
Marketing & PR

Public Relations Manager and Marketing Representative of Starline.