Install Areca tools

How to install important tools for Areca RAID systems.

Set up Areca MRAID ArcHttp standard GUI

The MRAID or McRAID Storage Manager is a firmware-based utility that can be accessed via the web browser installed on your operating system.

This HTML-based application allows you to access the RAID system via a browser (Safari, IE and Mozilla etc.). Access can be in-band via Thunderbolt or out-of-band via the Ethernet port. With the in-band method, you can start the McRAID Storage Manager via the ArcHTTP proxy server.

ArcHttp is located in the MRAID folder and can be executed with the ArcHttp command.  The ArcHttp standard GUI then opens in the set standard browser, which can be used to access the management of the controller.

MRAID ArcHttp ab Version 3.0.0


From firmware 1.70 the latest ArcHttp version is required to see the ARC-8050T3U in NVMe mode!

From ArcHttp version 3.0.0 the GUI looks like this after installation:

  • Areca ArcHttp Config GUI from version 3.0.0 under Windows.
  • Existing devices are listed under Controller List.
ARC MRAID 3.0.0 NVMe-Mode
  • Areca ArcHttp 3.0.0 Overview in Legacy Mode
ARC ArcHttp 3.0.0
  • Areca ArcHttp GUI Mail menu General Configuration
    (Should be configured on the controller itself)
ARC ArcHttp Mail
  • SNMP Configuration 
    (Should also be configured on the controller itself)
  • Scan controller again (+ F5 Refresh)
ARC ArcHttp Rescan Controller
  • Collecting support data
ARC ArcHttp Collect Support Data

Attention! If the Areca is in NVMe mode, the device is no longer listed under ArcHttp and CLI on the controller / ARC-8050T3U unfortunately also no longer works in NVMe mode (reason are Apple's changes in the architecture of macOS).

  • If you want to access the GUI, this is only possible via the IP address!
  • Otherwise the legacy mode must be used!


Note from the manufacturer:

‘ ArcHttp and CLI work on every platform via the existing Areca legacy driver. In NVMe mode as well, but with the exception of macOS. Apple has blocked any possibility for ArcHttp and CLI to communicate with the RAID firmware. For this reason, we do not support ArcHttp and CLI on macOS. ’

Areca ArcSAP Tool

  • ArcSAP Tool Overview from an ARC-1883
ARC ArcSAP Übersicht

Areca CLI-Tool

  • Overview of the main commands (main) of the CLI tool
ARC-CLI Übersicht

A selection of our Areca models

Areca ARC-8050T3U-12E
Areca ARC-8050T3U-12E                              

● 1.6GHz ROC Dual Core 

● 8GB DDR4-2666 SDRAM

● SFF-8644 Port (4 Lanes) 

● 12x 12Gbps HDDs/SSDs

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Areca ARC-8050T3U-4A
Areca ARC-8050T3U-4A                              

● 800MHz ROC

● 1GB DDR3-800 SDRAM

● LC-Display

● 0, 1, 10, 3, 5, 6, Single, JBOD

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Areca ARC-8050T3U-6M
Areca ARC-8050T3U-6M

● 1.2GHz Dual Core ROC

● 2GB DDR3-1866 SDRAM

● SFF-8644 Port (2 Lanes)

● 12V XLR Power

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Any questions?

We are happy to help!

Konrad Beyer
Technical Support

Our technical manager has a comprehensive knowledge of all storage and server topics.