Stress-free reboot for servers and virtual machines

Software for error-free restart


Carefree restart of your systems with the VMShutdownManager – secure and structured.

Shutdowns inevitably happen – whether due to a planned restart or a failure caused by an error. In doing so, it is important to work cleanly. This means that all the necessary steps must be carried out in exactly the right order to restart the system. After all, longer offline times, process errors or data loss prevent users from working. This can quickly become expensive. And the more complex the IT infrastructure, the more accurate the restart must be – regardless of the circumstances that caused the interruption.


Special tool for data center environments: The VMShutdownManager


With the VMShutdownManager, administrators get a tool that makes it child’s play to coordinate and properly shut down all components of complex data center environments. In its configuration, all systems (virtualization hosts, SAN systems, etc.) are stored, which can be combined into execution plans in the graphical user interface.

Your advantages with the VMShutdownManager

  • Proper shutdown of involved components and automated restarting
  • Free configuration of shutdown and startup sequence via a graphical frontend
  • Before the shutdown, defined commands can be executed
  • Independent of the UPS manufacturer
  • Multiple UPS can be integrated into different execution plans
  • Independent of the data center infrastructure
  • No need to install agent modules or similar software
  • Automated connection tests during regular operation; e-mail notifications in the event of faults


Planned restart

The VMShutdownManager links individual triggers to specific events (such as a power failure) and thus ensures integration with the corresponding UPS. Should the event then occur, the tool will automatically execute the corresponding execution plan. Individual tasks are assigned via standardized interfaces, so that no additional software is required on the target systems.

Even comprehensive and multi-level scenarios are structured by the VMShutdownManager by means of different execution blocks – parallel or serial. In addition, the administrator adds additional target systems as needed at any time. This allows it to shut down and restart even complex server environments smoothly.

Example scenario

If the event is triggered, the VMs first start to shut down in a defined sequence. In the process, VMShutdownManager also automatically executes SSH or PowerShell scripts on the individual target systems. It puts the ESXi hosts into maintenance mode and then shuts them down. The last step is the shutdown of the SAN systems.


Simple operation – high safety

The VMShutdownManager shines with a modern web interface via browser (see screenshot). In this interface, the program also shows changes or extensions to the configuration, as it automatically performs connectivity tests. The software actually repeats these tests every hour in the background and immediately displays the results from them on the user interface. Therefore, if there are connection problems, the manager alerts its admin via email.


System requirements

The VMShutdownManagers requires a physical computer with Microsoft OS (Windows 10 or Windows Server 2012 R2 or higher). Access to the web interface is provided by the Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browsers.

Necessary components
  • DotNetCore 5 Hosting Bundle (version 5.0.13)
  • Microsoft SQL Server (SQL Express)
  • TCP/IP connectivity between the VMShutdownManager and the systems to be controlled.
  • DotNet Desktop Runtime
The VMShutdownManager supports the following systems
  • VMware (vSphere 5.5 to vSphere 7.0)
  • Current Windows systems with PowerShell remoting enabled
  • DataCore SANsymphony (as of version 10.0)
  • Any system with SSH access (e.g. vCenter Server, open-e DSS, Synology DSM, QNAP QTS)

Further SAN and NAS systems can be integrated in the future via additional modules if required.

Case study

VMShutdownManager takes the horror out of a power outage

Is your IT on strike after a power outage and your sales are at a standstill for the whole day? We have documented the solution for you here.

A wild animal in the substation was the reason for the power outage.

VMShutdownManager Webinar

In our webinar (in German language), the presenters explain in detail the functionality and scope of this helpful tool.

Speakers: Martin Zeifang, bn-its

Watch recording on YouTube

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Andreas Freisen

Project Manager from the Enterprise Storage Solutions Team - our specialists for large projects.