Supermicro Log Export - Starline Computer: Storage und Server Lösungen von erfahrenen Experten

Logfile Export: Supermicro

How to export your log for Supermicro-based systems

Baseboard Management Controller up to H11 / X11

Exporting logs

Health Event Logs:

1.    Log into your Supermicro BMC with ADMIN and your password.

2.    On the startpage of the BMC please hover over Server Health and click on Health Event Log in the drop-down-menu.

SMC altes BMCHealth Event Log Drop Down Menu

3.    In this window the Health Event Logs can be viewed. By clicking on the Save Button you can export the Health Event Logs.

SMC altes BMC Health Event Log

Maintenance Event Logs:

1.  Please hover over Maintenance in the top of the page. In the drop-down-menu please click on Maintenance Event Logs.

SMC altes BMC Maintenance Event Log Drop Down

2.   In this window the Maintenance Event Logs can be viewed. By clicking on the Save Button you can export the Maintenance Event Logs.

SMC altes BMC Maintenance Event Log

Send us these two logfiles when submitting a support request.

Baseboard Management Controller H12 / X12 and above

Exporting logs

1. Health Event Logs: 
Under the category System, by clicking on Health Event Log, the Health Event Logs are being displayed. By clicking on Export to Excel, the logs can be exported as an excel file.


2. Maintenance Event Logs: 
Under the category Maintenance, by clicking on Maintenance Event Log, the Maintenance Event Logs are being displayed. By clicking on Export to Excel, the logs can be exported as an excel file.


Send us these two logfiles when submitting a support request.

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