Open-E Log Export - Starline Computer: Storage und Server Lösungen von erfahrenen Experten

Logfile Export: Open-E

How to export your log for JovianDSS and DSS V7 systems from Open-E.

Open-E JovianDSS

Exporting logs:

1.    Log into the WebGUI of the Jovian Server.

2.    On the left side of the startpage go to Diagnostics.

Jovian Startpage

3.    Now click on the TAB Logs.

Jovian Diagnostics page

4.    In this TAB you can now export the Logs by clicking on the Button Download all.

Jovian Logs page

Send us this file when submitting your support request.

In case of failover clusters we need the logfiles of both servers.


Open-E DSS V7

Exporting Logs

1.    Log into the WebGUI of your DSS V7 server.

2.    On the startpage please go to Status in the top bar and in the drop-down-menu to Hardware.

DSS V7Startpage

3.    In the now opening window scroll down until the Logs section. 
Here you can export the Logs by clicking on Download.

DSS V7 Export Logs

Send us these logs when submitting your support request. 

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